Friday, December 7, 2018

How to score 550+ in neet within 5 months?

So as you know 5th may is Date of NEET Examination So you have just 6 months to get prepare for NEET 2019.
below article will help you to get an idea about how to plan your studies in the last 5 months:
Summarize each chapter: As you must be done with your theoretical studies you can summarize each chapter by following below step:
Write down the highlights of each chapter of every subject in a notebook to easily access them whenever you want. Since you won’t have enough time for an in-depth revision one day before the exam, these notes will help you remember the key points.
 Create flashcards: Besides this, make a large stack of flashcards containing all important formulae, concepts, and diagrams to learn them better.
 Clarify your doubts: You can also use e-learning apps to clarify your doubts regarding a particular topic. These digital platforms let you upload a picture of your problem and chat with an expert to solve it. What’s more, through these platforms you can keep a tab on your progress.
this will help you for better time management & boost your confidedence.
Once you have gone through your entire syllabus, it’s time to start taking mock tests from reliable sources to get yourself familiar with the exam environment. Apart from offline coaching centers, there are online platforms where you can enroll yourself for mock tests. The NEET exam’s question paper is designed to test your aptitude, analytical, logical and reasoning skills. Thus, taking mock tests will not only help you improve your time management skill but also make you aware of the exam pattern.
 Work on your weak areas: Writing the test is just a job half done. After the test, make sure to evaluate your paper and find out your mistakes. Work on your weak spots to resolve them well before the actual exam takes place.
Learn, Practice & Repeat:
follow this 3 approach, divide your time according to subject & chapters. Try to learn difficult chapters, get the help of your friends & teachers to understand the tricky concepts. Remember, Never go for Hard work as you have just 5 months.
So focus on how can you plan to learn smartly. give you 100 % efforts to give success for your study plan.
I hope this gives you a better idea about how can you get prepared for NEET within 5 months.

Remember Nothing is Impossible. Trust yourself & your Journey :)

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